The impact of noviflumuron on whole colonies of Pharaoh’s ants,Monomorium pharaonis L., was investigated in a series of laboratory experiments. Large colonies (tens to several hundred queens, 0.5 to 2 grams brood, and 2,000+ workers contained in nine cm diameter by two cm high plastic Petri dishes with a water-absorptive base) were transferred directly from laboratory colonies to test arenas (55 x 42 x 8 cm plastic boxes or 7.6 m x 10 cm diameter PVC tubes) and allowed to settle for two days. Foraging tubes were used to simulate the distance ants might travel to forage for and collect a bait material. After two days, each colony was provided either peanut oil (control treatment) or peanut oil containing 0.10% noviflumuron. Fresh bait was provided daily for four days. After four days, baits were removed and all colonies resumed feeding on their normal laboratory diet for the remainder of the study. Each treatment was replicated 2 to 4 times and all studies were conducted at 25-27°C and 35 to 40% RH. The day baits were provided, and weekly thereafter brood (collectively eggs, larvae, and pupae) was quantified by placing a piece of clear acetate (0.5 cm grid) over the top of the nesting cell and counting the number of squares below which lay any amount of brood. Egg production was determined weekly by placing one wingless queen from each replicate into a fluon-lined 20 ml soufflé cup and holding it, without food and water, for one day at 26°C. After one day, the number of eggs produced from each queen was recorded, and she then returned to her respective replicate. The number of dead queens and workers was tallied for each replicate. At the end of the experiment, each colony was divided into its component life stages, and the quantity of each stage was determined.

Year: 2002
Poster Abstract